When the streets were empty amid the nationwide lockdown, the Municipality of Quito (capital of Ecuador) needed a way to celebrate more than 159 years since the parochialization of Conocoto, one of the most important parishes in the capital. They were able to do so in conjunction with an initiative by the Ministry of Culture aiming to spread joy through music called "Asomaté Vé" - an Ecuadorian expression meaning to call and be seen.

There were both musicians and dancers, wearing the characteristic dress of the area - part of the national heritage - called "humaguatarina", a folded fabric that women put on their heads. In addition to the shirt and the brace, they costume also features two sashes tied at the waist and colorful headbands.

The festivities were carried out safely with mandatory mask wear and strict social distancing. They toured loudly to spread joy to residents who were watching from their balconies and front doors. The parade took the celebration to Federico Bustamante, a 92 year old man watching from his window, who shed tears of joy.

Photo Credit : Josué David Mendoza Bazarán



Juana Maria Matos Cisneros is a health promoter in a social organization called "Frente de Organizaciones en Lucha". She has lived in the Villa 1-11-14 slum as a single mother since her arrival in Argentina 20 years ago.

She currently serves in government initiative called “DETECT”, where she helps health workers to tend to people with COVID-19 symptoms. When the pandemic started, she already had years of volunteering experience so she was hired by the neighbourhood’s state clinic. Along with her team members, she identifies old folks and high risk groups in her neighbourhood and brings them food every two weeks.

Photo Credit: Anita Pouchard Serra



Humberto Montes, and his companions Roberto and Elias, are a trio of northern musicians dedicated to livening up last farewells. 

“Before the pandemic, people asked for songs when they visit their loved ones here in the cemetery. This helps to make their passing more bearable,” says the 60-year-old accordion player. Since the outbreak, Humberto said that their income fell from earning 500 pesos (approximately $23) per day to only 60 pesos ($2.74).

Congregations at funerals were prohibited and made it impossible for people to witness their loved one’s burial. Despite their dwindling income, Humberto & co. would play music at cemetery every day. When they are not working, they spend time reading the Bible or walking between areas and graves.

Photo Credit : Jacky Muniello 



César Valdivia, 39, is a parish priest in the Area of Manchay, located in the district of Pachacamac, Lima - Peru. Newly assigned to this place, he reaches out to the population through social media.

During Easter, he performed mass via "Facebook Live" to reach faithful believers stuck at home due to the lockdown. He and his altar boys delivered words of encouragement and asked the public to keep calm amid the health crisis. Although César found it difficult to manage technology at first, he was willing to overcome that to serve his community.

Manchay is an extremely poor area and hunger is rife. Through social media, Ceaser also calls out to neighbors and authorities to ask for food donations and distribute it to the needy.

Photo Credit : Antonio Melgarejo



For many weeks, Gustu Restaurant’s team in Bolivia have been preparing food for the health workers in hospitals who are fighting COVID-19 cases in the cities of La Paz and El Alto.

Under the leadership of Chef Marsia Taha, the Gustu team along with chefs from other restaurants, the kitchen gets busy early in the morning as they prepare about 400 rations of food for lunch, which are delivered to each medical facility. The meals are design to be nutritious by using local ingredients to strengthen the body’s immune system.

Gustu is one of the best restaurants in Latin America, and had put Bolivia in the international gastronomy map since its establishment five years ago. Since it’s regular operations were shut following quarantine restrictions, the team decided to dedicate their efforts in raising funds to cook these free meals for medical frontliners at local hospitals.

Photo Credit : Patricio Crooker